Finding the best type of meditation for you

HAVE YOU FOUND THE BEST WAY FOR YOU TO MEDITATE? Part 5 in our Six Step program to making meditation a habit in your life Did you know there are many ways to practice mindfulness meditation? And the best ones are the ones that work for you!  That way you’ll be more likely to meditate […]

Make Meditation a Habit Using Habit-Forming Psychology

This is Part 4 in our Six Step program to making meditation a habit in your life. Do you wish you could meditate more often or for longer? Are you struggling to make meditation a daily part of your life? The solution is to make meditation a habit. The way to do something every day […]

Bringing Compassion to your Meditation

Part 3 in our Six Step program to making meditation a habit in your life is about bringing compassion to your meditation. This may be just what you need to help you meditate more often or with more ease. Do you sometimes feel that you’re pushing yourself through your meditation practice, thinking, “If I try […]

How to Remove Obstacles to Meditation

Here’s part 2 in our Six Step program to making meditation a habit in your life! This time we will cover how to make it easier to just do it, by reducing the obstacles. Managing to meditate daily is about building a habit of doing it every day – I’ll talk about how to create […]

How to meditate every day

Lots of people try meditation and, seeing the benefits it can bring to their lives, want to make it a daily part of their lives. But it seems that lots of people struggle to make it that daily habit that they would like it to be. Or the habit comes and goes – there are […]